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 #   Notes   Linked to 
Census 1851 William St. Craig, Angus
First name(s) Last name Relationship Marital status Sex Age Birth year Occupation Birth place
David Coull Head Married Male 51 1800 Fisherman Craig, Forfarshire (Angus), Scotland
Jean Coull Wife Married Female 50 1801 - Craig, Forfarshire (Angus), Scotland
Mary Coull Daughter Unmarried Female 26 1825 Fisherwoman Craig, Forfarshire (Angus), Scotland
Isobel Coull Daughter Unmarried Female 17 1834 Fisherwoman Craig, Forfarshire (Angus), Scotland
John Coull Son Unmarried Male 11 1840 Scholar Craig, Forfarshire (Angus), Scotland
David Coull Son Unmarried Male 21 1830 Fisherman Craig, Forfarshire (Angus), Scotland
Elspeth Watt Daughter-in-law Married Female 20 1831 Seaman's wife Craig, Forfarshire (Angus), Scotland
David Coull Grand child - Male 0 1851 - Craig, Forfarshire (Angus), Scotland 
Family: COULL, David / COULL, Jean (F512)
RG09 Census 1861 39, Waterside. Wandsworth, Surrey
First name(s) Last name Relationship Marital status Sex Age Birth year Occupation Birth place
James Griffiths Head Married Male 36 1825 Grocer Wandsworth, Surrey, England
Ann Griffiths Wife Married Female 38 1823 - Wandsworth, Surrey, England
Mary Griffiths Daughter Unmarried Female 19 1842 - Wandsworth, Surrey, England
Susan Griffiths Daughter Unmarried Female 14 1847 - Wandsworth, Surrey, England
James Griffiths Son - Male 12 1849 - Wandsworth, Surrey, England
Sarah Griffiths Daughter - Female 10 1851 - Wandsworth, Surrey, England
Matilda Griffiths Daughter - Female 8 1853 - Wandsworth, Surrey, England 
Family: GRIFFITHS, James / PLUMRIDGE, Ann (F216)
3 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family: COULL, Thomas M M / TUPPEN, Edith Elizabeth (F709)
4 NZ BDM birth record: 1920/6691, Cecila Violet Coull, parents: Cecilia & George William Coull
NZ BDM marriage record: 1937/5430, Cecelia Violet Coull & Laurice Trevor Carney
NZ BDM death record: 1986/47392, Cecelia Violet Carney, birth date: 4 January 1920
Find A Grave: Memorial #173214334, Ruru Lawn Cemetery, Bromley, Christchurch
Christchurch City Council cemetery record, surname: Carney, first names: Cecilia Violet, date of death: 24 October 1986, cemetery: Ruru Lawn, date of burial: 28 October 1986, block: 39, plot: 622, age: 66, occupation: widow, years in New Zealand: 66

From Wikitree 5 Jun 2022 COULL-332 
COULL, Cecilia Violet (I1916)
5 From Wikitree Coull-354

NZBDM BIRTH: 1919/18449 Coull Ethel Margaret
NZBDM DEATH:1925/10134 Coull Ethel Margaret 6Y


COULL, Ethel Margaret (I2082)
6 1841 census of England. Digital images. Source (S102)
7 1841 Census: HO107/465/2, Ash, folio: 24, Page: 6
1851 Census HO107/1631, Folio: 33, Page: 21
1861 Census RG9/539, Folio: 42, Page: 9
1871 census: RG10/999, Folio: 40, page: 1
1881 Census: RG11/993, Folio: 47, Page: 14 1891 he is living with hi s daughter Elizabeth (now a widow) RG12/735, Folio: 86, Page: 9 
HAMMOND, Adam (I388)
8 1871 Census - Halfway House, Minster, Sheppey Kent. HAMMOND, Charles Henry (I765)
9 1901 Census shows as a Shipwright living at 80 sexton St.Gillingham HART, Thomas (I968)
10 5 Feb 1903 enrolled Royal Marines Light Infantry: Chatham Division. Service No. 13790
By 1913 was Corporal by late 1914 was a Sargent until discharged. 
BRAKES, Thomas (I635)
11 9, Chilton Street, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 3JW COULL, Victor Winston (I659)
12 Anglican Parish Registers. Woking, Surrey, England: Surrey Hist ory Centre. Source (S88)
13 Anglican Parish Registers. Woking, Surrey, England: Surrey Hist ory Centre. Source (S92)
14 Anglican Parish Registers. Woking, Surrey, England: Surrey Hist ory Centre. Source (S112)
15 Census Returns of England and Wales, 1861. Kew, Surrey, England : The National Archives of the UK (TNA): Public Record Office (PRO), 1 861. Data imaged from The National Archives, London, England. The Nati onal Archives gives no warrany as to the accuracy, completeness or fi tness for the purpose of the information provided. Images may be use d only for purposes of research, private study or education. Applicati ons for any other use should be made to The National Archives, Kew, Ri chmond, Surrey TW9 4DU. Source (S66)
16 Census Returns of England and Wales, 1881. Kew, Surrey, England : The National Archives of the UK (TNA): Public Record Office (PRO), 1 881.

Images © Crown copyright. Images reproduced by courtesy of Th e National Archives, London, Engand.

The National Archive s give no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or fitness for th e purpose of the information provided.

Images may be used o nly for purposes of research, private study or education. Application s for any other use should be made to The National Archives Imag e Library, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU, Tel: 020 8392 5225 Fax : 020 8392 5266.

Source (S90)
17 Census Returns of England and Wales, 1891. Kew, Surrey, England : The National Archives of the UK (TNA): Public Record Office (PRO), 1 891.

Data imaged from The National Archives, London, England. 2,13 1 rolls. The National Archivesives no warranty as to the accuracy, c ompleteness or fitness for the purpose of the information provided. I mages may be used only for purposes of research, private study or educ ation. Applications for any other use should be made to The Nationa l Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU.

Source (S10)
18 Church of England Parish Registers, 1538-1812. London, England : London Metropolitan Archives.

Images produced by permission of th e City of London Corporation. The City of London gives no warranty a s to the accuracy, completenessr fitness for the purpose of the info rmation provided. Images may be used only for purposes of research, pr ivate study or education. Applications for any other use should be mad e to London Metropolitan Archives, 40 Northampton Road, London EC1R 0H B. Email - ask.lma@cityoflondon.gov.uk. Infringement of the above co ndition may result in legal action.

Source (S85)
19 Electoral Registers. London, England: London Metropolitan Archi ves.

Images produced by permission of the City of London Corporatio n Libraries, Archives and Guildhall Art Gallery Department. The City o f London gives no warranty asto the accuracy, completeness or fitnes s for the purpose of the information provided. Images may be used onl y for purposes of research, private study or education. Applications f or any other use should be made to the City of London, Guildhall, PO B ox 270, London EC2P 2EJ. Infringement of the above condition may resul t in legal action.

Source (S58)
20 England, Births and Christenings, 1538-1975. Salt Lake City, Ut ah: FamilySearch, 2013. Source (S16)
21 England, Marriages, 1538–1973. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySear ch, 2013. Source (S61)
22 GreyPower Deceased Data. compiled by Wilmington Millennium, Wes t Yorkshire. Source (S19)
23 Scotland, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950. Salt Lake City, Utah : FamilySearch, 2013. Source (S23)
24 Scotland, Marriages, 1561-1910. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySea rch, 2013. Source (S20)
25 Warwickshire Anglican Registers. Warwick, England: Warwickshir e County Record Office. Source (S52)

Inward Overseas Passenger Lists (British Ports). Microfich e VPRS 7666, copy of VRPS 947.

Public Record Office Victoria, North Melbourne, Victoria.

Inward Overseas Passenger Lists (Foreign Ports). Microfich e VPRS 7667, copy of VRPS 947. Public Record Office Victoria, North Me lbourne, Victoria.

Inward Overseas Passenger Lists (New Zealand Ports). Microfi che VPRS 13439, copy of VRPS

947. Public Record Office Victoria, North Melbourne, Victoria.

Register of Assisted Immigrants from the United Kingdom. Mic rofiche VPRS 14. Public Record Office Victoria, North Melbourne, Victo ria.

Source (S12)

Board of Trade: Commercial and Statistical Department and successor s: Outwards Passenger Lists. BT27. Records of the Commercial, Companie s, Labour, Railways and Statistics Departments. Records of the Board o f Trade and of successor and reated bodies. The National Archives, Ke w, Richmond, Surrey, England.

Source (S70)
28 about 67 DOWS, Cyril Maidon (I993)
29 According to Gwen died in railway accident pre 1920. However Anne Calv erley said it was Spanish Flu.
Came to England fron Dublin c 1880 and went to sheffield. 
MORRISON, James John (I987)
30 After separation from Henry lived in the Army & Navy Inn, Lower Rainha m Road until her death.
Probably buried at Rainham - not checked 
ADIE, Annie (I1091)
31 Always known in the family as Mary Williams but maiden Name appears t o have been Giddins. married a Williams but he left her after a few mo nths. GIDDINS, Mary May (I340)
32 Apparently died very young. Bill can't remember him (1996) WILSON, Jack (I90)
33 As per IGI not confirmed HAMMOND, Adam (I457)
34 At least one source has Surname as HOLLANDHEAD HOLLAND, Margaret (I724)
35 Attwood family came from Thurnham about 8 km from Maidstone Kent - Inf o from Howard Davis 10 Jan 2004 ATTWOOD, Mercy (I1207)
36 Australian Electoral Commission. [Electoral roll]Source (S87)
37 Baptised at Bethnal Green 7th May 1904 MORRISON, Daisy Elizabeth (I577)
38 Baptism 18 Oct 1896 COULL, Annie Victoria (I852)
39 Birth Tas 1888 #1860 Death Victoria 1945 #6771 EVERTON, Allen Mace (I1197)
40 Birth Victoria 1861 #7107 TREGLOWN, Albert Alfred (I1146)
41 Births Jun 1870 Hopkins Elizabeth Elham 2a 887 HOPKINS, Elizabeth (I1006)
42 Born as Henry Coull, John added at a later time before he got marrie d in 1905
OCCU Engineer, Stevedore REMA Trained as a blacksmith Served with
RAMC in WWI was gassed in 1917 and de mobbed. He was sent to
Invergordon 1917-1918 for treatment. Started on Docks in 1918 and
stayed until retired in 1958. For extra money made Hooks for handling
bales of paper. Birth Reg Medway Vol 2a Page 566 1884 SOUR NOTE At
one time an engineer at Chatham Dockyard. Later stevedore until
retired in 1956.
Separated from Ada pre 1937. 
COULL, Henry John (I78)
43 Born at 8 Sanford Lane Stoke Newington. Came to Australia in 1857 wit h her Family. She was 16 when she married Jacob David Coull. They lef t Sydney after death of a daughter in 1871 going to Narrandra where Da vid William Coull was born 23 Set 1872 She and Jacob were separeted b y 1874 Grace going to Gawler in S.A.
See notes in the media area 
SMITH, Grace (I115)
44 Born Jack Dial (mothers Maiden Name) PURVIS, Jack (I35)
45 BURGOINE William Emerton Wandsworth 1d 749 Marriages Sep 1871
Burgoine William Emmerton 46 Kingston 2a 197 Deat h Sept 1895

Census 1881 Dwelling: 5 Northwick Terr
Census Place: Hampton Wick, London, Middlesex, England
Source: FHL Film 1341199 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 0841 Folio 12 6 Page 4 
BURGOINE, William Emmerton (I892)
46 Buried 10/9.2004 at Gippsland Memorial Park reg number 7157 10 WILSON, Valerie Ann (I66)
47 Buried at Paynesville, Victoria, Australia SMITH, Kathrine Victoria (I597)
48 Buried Hillingdon Hill Cemetery
Have Wedding Photo 
BURGOINE, Dorothy May (I1055)
49 Butcher - Had 6 shops in South Melbourne & Port Melbourne. in 1880's R EMA
Death Victoria 1894 #3447
NOTE Arrived in Melbourne 1866 on "Netherby", Mentioned in
several books on Victorian Melbourne 
ALLDIS, Walter Charles (I776)
50 Canterbury Archdeaconry (Doddington, Kent, England). "Marriages 1538 -1928". Source (S62)

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