Matches 101 to 150 of 276
# | Notes | Linked to |
101 | News Paper Report. Burnt on board HM Revenue cutter "Swift" at Minster end of January 185 6 Possible 2 Feb age about 3 years. Ellen Cockburn Coull | COULL, Ellen Cockburn (I761)
102 | Nicknam was Wallis? | WALLACE, Harriett (I775)
103 | Note from Doris Coull on the back of photo. Alfred Hammond my youngest brother. She was very proud of him - he wa s in the merchant service & doing very well, bur one day on leave he w as walking along lower Rainham Road & saw a young lady Draped over he r garden gate & Alf fell for her hr hook, line & sinker. They married & h e left the service, he had no work but repaired shoes occasionally. Be rtha his wife spent her time having lots of babies and digging in th e potatoes fields or fruit picking. She died giving birth to twins i n 1942 or 43. My mother looked after the babies for 2 months while arr angements were made for their adoption. Alf died about a year after hi s wife. | HAMMOND, Alfred (I22)
104 | NSW Item [19/10186]; [20/22] Reel 3025 will of William Coull Argus Melbourne 7 June 1890 p10 A CURIOUS WILL CASE. SYDNEY, Friday. A peculiar will case carne before the Inquiry Court to day William Coull, a man of con- siderable wealth, who resided at Picton, made it will in 1886 leaving landed properly worth about 180,000 to his nephew, George Smith, on condition that the property should revert to tho Presbytenian Church at- in the event ol Ins nephew dying without issue. Coull died last year. his nephew having died before him without issue, »mi the Presbvterian Assembly claimed the property. The supreme Court, how ever, directed the curator of intestate estates to take possession, and to dit the mutter came before the Court on an applica- tion by the Presbyterian Assembly that the Presbyterian Church as a body might be declared entitled to the property. To this the curator entered a demurrer on the ground that the bequest was void owing to uncer tanty, having been apparently the inten- tion of the testator to devise the property to some specific church, which, however, was not mentioned The Court upheld this view, and declined to recognise the claim of the Presbterian Assembly, as they held that it[931 was not intended to make a general bequest for church purposes Chief Inspector of Distilleries Office,Sydney, 3rd May, 1871. SUPPLEME NTARY RETURN of Spirit Merchants whoseL.3 Registrations for the curren t year have been notified tot he Chief Inspector of Distilleries by th e Clerks of PettySessions, in accordance with the 15th section of th e Act 13thVictoria No. 26 : FORBES-Fraser James. GLADSTONE (Kenapsey)—Hibberd John, jun. GLEN INNES-Lewis Henry and Robert. GRNDARIMBA (Richmond River)—Barker Elizabeth. LAWRENCE (Clarence River)—Davison Ann .PICTON-Coull William. HENRY LUMSDAINE,Chief Inspector of Distilleries. | COULL, William Joseph (I592)
105 | Nurse most of life. Married but man was a bigamist and marriage declared void. He was charged and found to have two other wives. Walked with a limp due to falling from a high chair when she was a baby. | COULL, Kathleen Maud (I1023)
106 | on 1901 Census | COULL, Helen (I634)
107 | one of 12 children | DOYLE, Annie (I534)
108 | Owned 23 Malling Road, Queens Road, Maidstone | GRAVENELL, Samuel Henry (I1036)
109 | Patent granted 19 Sep 1889 for ‘The Australian Wool Washer’. Advert i n 1890 offers it for 25 Pounds. 1909 Voter list in Ingham q. 1910 East Geraldton Q. 1911 Einasliegh Q 1913 Hughden Q 1915 Poole St. Bowen Q & Fed N.S.W Police warrant for desertion from Agnes 1892 | COULL, Jacob David (I102)
110 | Personal Notices from Newspaper Issues. Fairfax Media. | Source (S39)
111 | Peter and Lois worked for Air Canada, they were divorced before 2000 | EVANS, Peter (I294)
112 | Poor Law Union Records. Medway Archives and Local Studies Centre, Chat ham, Kent, England. | Source (S63)
113 | Possible Charles William Coull. info from Howard Davis 10 Jan 2004 Charles William Coull Birth: Aug 25 1885 - Rochester Kent Death: Sep 22 1914 Sunk by U.9 in North Sea aboard H.M.S. Aboukir. Relative notified: Sister. Mrs Brakes. 11, Curson Road, Chatham. Notes: Body not recovered for burial Section scan number: 7/0905 Sister was Helen Brakes nee Coull | COULL, Charles William (I495)
114 | PRO Kew. "1861 England Census". Database | Source (S38)
115 | Probably at least one brother Charles who was a witness at wedding Name given as Kathleen on Walter Brierley Smith Death Cert | TURK, Kathrine (I319)
116 | REMA Married Sarah Ann - source Death of Walter Charles Victoria 1894 #3447 | ALLDIS, Henry Pope (I1152)
117 | Reported in Dover Telegraph paper pg8 col4 age 38 and Kentish Gazett e 17th Dec 1850 (image downloaded) | HAMMOND, Margaret (I195)
118 | S MARB Copy of Marriage Cert with Janice Bond (nee Wilson) at Yarrawonga 1999 Witnesses were Charles Turk and ? Annie Turk Occupation given As Draper | SMITH, Edmond Brieley (I841)
119 | S REMA Marriage Tas 1905 Folio 0117 DEAT N.Z. births 1882 #1017 Victo ria Deaths 1968 #14650 | EVERTON, Maria Elizabeth (I1215)
120 | Scotland Biths 1791 Baptism 28 Aug 1791 at St John Street Associate Se ssion, Stirling Parish Baptisms Scotland URL Marriage David Wilson 06 apr 1821 Muiravonside, Stirlingshire URL | CRAWFORD, Jean (I557)
121 | Scotland, Select Births and Baptsims, 1564-1950 Operations Inc 2014 Provo, UT, USA | COULL, Alexander (I1092)
122 | Sheerness Family Blue Town Preacher 1881 Arthur St No 15, Milton In Milton, Kent, England | HAMMOND, Thomas Taylor (I642)
123 | Shown as an unmarried iron moulder in mothers house age 21 in 1881 Cen sus c 1929 Bill, Mick and Doris would go to see him and watch him put pepp er on his Sunday dinner. "He was like a machine as he covered the plate with pepper!" said Dori s. Separated from Annie before 1920. | COULL, Henry (I1171)
124 | Shown as apprentice shipwright in 1901 Census. Worked at Chatham docky ard as a Charge of Shipwrights. Some of his tools still with Howard Da vis as at Jan 10th 2004 | COULL, Edward Louis (I432)
125 | Shown as Richard-Reginald Leonard on some sources | FOWKES, Reginald Leonard (I677)
126 | Shown in 1871, 1891 Census | ADIE, Samuel (I1119)
127 | Soldier Number: 240887, Rank: Acting Sergeant, Corps: Norfolk Regimen t Depot WW I Left on Abinsi 22 Aug 1922 for Accra, Ghana Described as ‘Accountant’ Left on Abinsi 3 Feb 1972 for Accra, Ghana Described as ‘Trader’ | COULL, Ernest Victor (I1172)
128 | Source Medium: Census Source Quality: 1881 Kent, U.K. ABBR 1881 British Census | Source (S84)
129 | Source Medium: Civil Registry Source Quality: Good | Source (S114)
130 | Source Medium: Family Archive CD Source Quality: Good | Source (S48)
131 | Source Medium: Family Archive CD Source Quality: Good | Source (S107)
132 | Source Medium: Official Document Source Quality: good | Source (S18)
133 | Source Medium: Official Document Source Quality: Good | Source (S95)
134 | Source Medium: Official Document | Source (S34)
135 | Source Medium: Official Document | Source (S35)
136 | St. Nicholas (Ash, Kent). Canterbury Archdeaconry, BMD, Baptism Beria ls and Banns . Digital images. : 2016. | Source (S68)
137 | Surname of mother given as Hollandhead at christening? | COULL, Joseph (I818)
138 | Tas Birth 1885 #2694 Pt Sorell | WILSON, Leslie (I238)
139 | Tas Birth 1890 #3247 Horton Victoria Death 1972 #17281 | EVERTON, Eva May (I370)
140 | Tas Birth 1896 #2472 Stanley Victoria Death 1958 #10445 | EVERTON, Ernest James (I424)
141 | Tas Birth 1905 0555 at Emu Bay | WILSON, Iris Lillian (I559)
142 | Travelled extensively including Australia 1941, USA, Aden, Hong Kong . Separated from Ellen in 1953 for good. Many affairs, probably at lea st one child in Hong Kong where he lived for four years whilst projec t engineer constructing Victoria Dcks. Lived last few years at 12 Cli ve Street Rochester and worked at Chatham Dockyard until well passed 7 0. Crane driver in Big Hammerhead. | COULL, Henry Roy Hamilton (I799)
143 | Vic Marriage, 1917 -8685 URL of this page: 2fvictri amariag%2f4811045 S REMA death 1971 #18855 | STEWART, Florence May (I843)
144 | Victoria Births 1859 #6942 | TREGLOWN, Thomas Felix (I757)
145 | Victoria Death 1929 #15192 | EVERTON, Emily (I920)
146 | Victoria Death 1938 #5042 Victoria Birth 1855 #403 | TREGLOWN, Dora May (I347)
147 | Victoria Death 1964 #21863 | EVERTON, Frederick William (I1041)
148 | Warwickshire Anglican Registers, Warwick, England: Warwickshire Count y Record Office | Source (S113)
149 | Wedding Cert Copy gives Occupation as Stationer. Witness was Ellen Alldis St John's Church Kalgoolie (Church of England.) Original Cert with Janice Bond (nee Wilson) at Yarrawonga Victoria 1999 Soldier 's Pay Book with Blair Stuart Coull (Contains Photo) Gives age at enlistm ent (14.8.40) as 47. WWII served at Ballaratt Interment Camp.He was actually 57. Death reco rded Victoria 1952 #12636 | SMITH, Walter Joseph (I396)
150 | Went to Sydney to see his brother William then on to New Zealand - NO T confirmed | COULL, James Samuel (I384)
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